Read the full newsletter with charts and subscribe here.
Hello Friends! Thank you for reading my Let People Prosper newsletter. Please keep sharing it with others who may be interested in our fun discussions. Here’s my personal website, which has my academic work, and my employer TPPF’s website. If you like this information and would like daily updates from scholars on more issues, sign-up for TPPF’s The Cannon newsletter. Before we get going, I’d like to share with you two things that I was thrilled to be a part of this week.
If you have any information that I should see, please send my way. Contact me at any time. Also, please unsubscribe if you’d rather not receive this personal connection. I hope this newsletter is marginally beneficial to you and will help us to find opportunities to let people prosper. Blessings to you and yours, Vance Vance Ginn, Ph.D. | | #LetPeopleProsper Read the full newsletter with charts and subscribe here.
Hello Friends! Thank you for reading this latest edition of my Let People Prosper newsletter. Given this is the third entry of the new newsletter, I’d like to again welcome many new subscribers. Thank you! Please keep sharing this with your friends and family who may be interested in our fun but hopefully educational chats. And you can share with them more info about me on my personal website or where I work at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Also, if you like this information and would like daily updates from TPPF scholars on more issues, sign-up for TPPF’s The Cannon newsletter. Are you ready? That reminds me of one of the songs from my favorite band growing up, Korn. Did I mention that I’m a drummer who played for a hard rock band for a few years in Houston? I probably haven’t yet. When you have time, check out my YouTube video where I tell my story of failures and how I got into economics to help people prosper that has supported much success over time. I hope that this information provides insights that reveal how nothing is free. Most of you have heard me say this often as there are always tradeoffs in a world of scarcity, whether those costs are explicit or implicit, such as opportunity costs. If you have any information that I should see, please send my way. Contact me at any time. Also, let me know if you’d like me to take you off this list. I hope this newsletter is marginally beneficial to you and will hopefully help us to find opportunities to let people prosper. Have a blessed week. Vance Ginn, Ph.D. | | #LetPeopleProsper Read the full newsletter with charts and subscribe here.
Hello Friends! Thank you for reading this latest edition of my Let People Prosper newsletter. Given this is the second edition of the new newsletter, I’d like to welcome many new subscribers. You can find out more information about me at my personal website and where I work at the Texas Public Policy Foundation here. Today’s newsletter is going to be longer than usual because I’m including prior insights that I’ve provided this year so we’re on the same page. These will be in three sections: Open Texas and America, Texas Economic & Fiscal Situation, and U.S. Economic & Fiscal Situation. If you like this information and haven’t subscribed yet, please do so here. Is you would like daily updates from TPPF scholars on more issues than these, sign-up for TPPF’s The Cannon newsletter. Okay, enough of the introductory stuff, let’s dive into what’s been going on lately in economic and fiscal issues so we can find ways to let people prosper. Of course, I’ve been making these arguments and more at the Twitter handle @vanceginn, so check me out there as well. If you have information that I should see, please send my way. Contact me any time. Also, let me know if you’d like me to take you off this list. I hope this newsletter is marginally beneficial to you and will hopefully help us to find opportunities to let people prosper. Blessings to you and yours, Vance Vance Ginn, Ph.D. | | #LetPeopleProsper Overview: Many Americans are recovering after the economic destruction that started in March from the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns by state and local governments. While the economy and labor market continue to improve, the policy recommendations outlined here would help speed up that process so America can quickly return to the prosperous conditions of February. Read my newsletter with charts and subscribe here.
Hello Friends! I hope you've had a blessed week. There's quite a bit to report in this newsletter. Please be sure to share this write-up with others who may be interested and ask them to sign-up for the newsletter. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy a quick overview of sound fiscal policy and free-market economics from yours truly. Read the newsletter and subscribe here: Have a blessed weekend. Vance Ginn, Ph.D. | | #LetPeopleProsper The Texas economy is recovering, but there’s much room for improvement. The Texas Workforce Commission recently released the Texas jobs report for August 2020. While there have been improvements in the state’s labor market, there are challenges to return to the robust situation of February 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns by state and local governments. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis recently reported that in Texas in the second quarter of 2020 on an annualized basis GDP growth declined by 29% and personal income increased by 34.1%. |
Vance Ginn, Ph.D.