Read my research for more information on this here. This is the notice of the public hearing.
Chairman Buckley and Members of the Texas House Committee on Public Education: My name is Dr. Vance Ginn, president of Ginn Economic Consulting. I'm a proud Texan, an economist, a husband, and a father of three. I grew up in a low-income, single-mother household in South Houston. I attended private, public, and home schools before becoming the first in my family to graduate from college, where I earned my doctorate in economics at Texas Tech University. I've dedicated my career to the calling to let people prosper, including more than a decade of working to understand and improve education, school finance, and other policies in Texas and nationwide. Today, I urge you to please consider Texas's critical need for universal Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Despite historic increases in public education funding recently and over time, student performance in Texas is flat or declining. Our state needs to catch up, as many states have educational opportunities that are not available here. Economist Milton Friedman once said about improving education, "The only solution is to break the monopoly, introduce competition and give the customers alternatives." The time is now for Texas to follow this vision with a “Texas approach” for improved education, more pay for quality teachers, and a better economy. Here are questions to consider during your deliberations: 1. Why are Students and Texas Falling Behind in Education?
Conclusion Texas must lead in the race for educational excellence. The evidence shows that universal education savings accounts will help provide this. Texas should pass a universal ESA bill to ensure every child in Texas has access to a high-quality education tailored to their unique needs. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am glad to be a resource on these issues throughout your deliberation and am happy to answer your questions. Vance Ginn, Ph.D., is president of Ginn Economic Consulting, affiliate at more than 15 think tanks across the country, and host of the Let People Prosper Show. Dr. Ginn was previously a lecturer at multiple institutions of higher education, chief economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, and chief economist at the White House's Office of Management and Budget. He earned his doctorate in economics at Texas Tech University. Follow him on X.com at @VanceGinn and get more of his research at vanceginn.com.
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Vance Ginn, Ph.D.